Treating certain waste water generated from your grow operation not only keeps your facility Green, but is a great way to save money on water consumption costs too. Depending on your local discharge permit requirements treating the wastewater could be mandated by regulation as well.
With Gyvers expertise in Water & Wastewater Treatment we can engineer and manufacture a Wastewater Treatment system designed specifically for wastewater generated by the grow operation at your facility. The treatment system can be designed to fit into an existing area, an external containerized unit, or into a designated area within a new building design, and integrate into Gyvers Water Treatment & Fertigation Systems and Controls Systems.
Call Gyver Industries to see how we can help lower your capital costs and increase your profit.
Treating certain waste water generated from your grow operation not only keeps your facility Green, but is a great way to save money on water consumption costs too. Depending on your local discharge permit requirements treating the wastewater could be mandated by regulation as well.
With Gyvers expertise in Water & Wastewater Treatment we can engineer and manufacture a Wastewater Treatment system designed specifically for wastewater generated by the grow operation at your facility. The treatment system can be designed to fit into an existing area, an external containerized unit, or into a designated area within a new building design, and integrate into Gyvers Water Treatment & Fertigation Systems and Controls Systems.
Contact Gyver Industries to see how we can help lower your capital costs and increase your profit.